PPF Film Warranty

Aurora PPF Film Warranty Policy
Please make sure that your Aurora PPF Film paint protection film installation service provider is an officially authorized dealer of our company, and confirm that the dealer has uploaded the electronic warranty information, with the mobile phone number or license plate number.

Authoritative Statement
For any after-sales service and related responsibilities of the film installed by a dealer who is not officially authorized by our company or cannot query the electronic warranty information through official channels, our company will not be responsible!

Warranty Beneficiary
The beneficiary of this warranty is the owner of the vehicle when the product is installed, and it cannot be transferred.

Warranty Content
Aurora PPF Film, starting from the date of construction and installation, provides the following quality assurance according to the classification of the product within the corresponding unified warranty period:
1. Ensure the adhesion performance of the film itself, and do not produce non-contact deformation, delamination, cracking or natural detachment from the vehicle body.
2. Ensure that the film surface does not have obvious yellowing phenomenon
3. Ensure that the film and the paint surface are almost flat and no residual glue is left when peeling (secondary painting, paint surface sheet metal scraping and debonding are not covered by the warranty)
4. The original car paint (metal parts) peeling within five years of the warranty has no shedding damage (plastic parts paint, secondary painting, paint surface sheet metal scraping and debonding or damage are not covered by the warranty). The peeling and shedding of the original car paint (metal parts) within five years shall be based on the paint surface component test results of the authoritative organization.

The following items are not covered by the warranty service
1. Failure to clean the film surface as soon as possible, such as tree sap, bird droppings, insect corpses, iron powder adhesion and industrial dust, resulting in damage to the film surface performance, lines, mottled, and corrosion.
2. Damage to the car body film caused by incorrect car washing. For example: When using a high-pressure water gun to wash the car, using a strong water column to wash the edge of the sheet metal or brushing it hard may cause the car body film to fall off or warp.
3. Natural damage caused by normal or excessive use. Such as: gravel impact, collision, body damage.
4. Damage caused by external factors such as chemicals (such as irritating detergents or solvents), soot, medicines, salt damage, dust, flying stones, etc.
5. Aurora PPF Film does not react with the paint, and any changes in the paint surface are not covered by the warranty.
6. Damage caused by abnormal use or other uses beyond the original purpose.

Warranty Description
The above warranty measures only serve vehicles with complete electronic warranty information and are provided by the Aurora PPF Film brand. Aurora PPF Film authorized dealers have no right to modify or extend the warranty period in any way. Aurora PPF Film is responsible for determining the effectiveness of the after-sales process and reserves the right to refuse after-sales that do not meet the above standards. Vehicle damage caused by construction in the store has nothing to do with the Aurora PPF Film brand!

Claims Process
If the product has the above-mentioned quality problems during the warranty period, within 7 days of discovering the problem, you can bring the valid voucher issued when purchasing the product and a detailed description of the product problem to the original purchase/construction store to submit a claim application. For objections and claims arising from the installation, the owner must apply to the installation store within 2 weeks after the first installation. All warranty services must be implemented after the Aurora PPF Film brand official verifies and approves the claim application.

1. Damage caused by non-standard construction or misoperation by non-Aurora PPF Film authorized and certified technicians during the construction process.
2. Losses caused by improper use, cleaning, maintenance or misoperation of the product, construction on non-original paint, natural disasters, accidents, normal wear and tear, and other reasons unrelated to product production or material problems.
3. Damage to the vehicle body and film surface caused by natural disasters, external forces or force majeure.
4. When removing the film, it should be professionally removed by the construction unit, and the film body or paint damage caused by the owner's unauthorized removal operation.
5. For scratches or damage caused by human factors, the construction unit can repair or replace the damaged parts locally, and the cost will be charged as appropriate.
6. Please check the precautions for proper maintenance of the film surface.

After installing Aurora PPF Film, you need to pay attention to the following matters
1. After the construction is completed, the film surface and the paint surface have not been completely attached. Avoid washing the car within 3 days and avoid driving on the highway (speed below 80km/h). In order to ensure the highest quality performance of the paint protection film, it is recommended to return to the construction unit for inspection and corner reinforcement in about 3 days.

2. The following situations will damage the car film, please wash the car in time:
1. Insect corpses, bird droppings, gum, obvious rain stains, etc. adhere to the film surface and are exposed to high temperature in the sun;
2. Air conditioning water and groundwater adhere to the film surface and are exposed to high temperature in the sun;
3. Paint flying adheres to the film surface and is exposed to high temperature in the sun;
4. A large amount of oil stains discharged by the range hood adhere to the film surface and are exposed to high temperature in the sun;
5. After driving on the highway in summer, a large number of insect corpses adhere to the car body. If there is a need for cleaning, please do it at room temperature. Do not spray insect corpse removers and other chemical agents on the car body at high temperature, otherwise it may cause damage to the film surface.

Maintenance notes: Remember that the film surface cannot be polished or use strong acid and alkaline detergents, otherwise it will damage the film surface, and the loss caused by this has nothing to do with product quality.

نبذة عن أورورا

يتم إنتاج فيلم AURORA الشمسي بواسطة شركة CP FILM في مارتينسفيل بولاية فرجينيا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وهي واحدة من أكبر ثلاث قواعد لإنتاج فيلم الطاقة الشمسية في الولايات المتحدة. يُعرف فيلم AURORA الشمسي بأدائه العالي في العزل الحراري، باستخدام عملية معدنية فريدة من نوعها للرش المغناطيسي الفراغي، مما يسمح بتصنيع فيلم ملون أساسي عالي العزل ومقاوم للانفجار.

دردشة واتس اب
  • السيراميك النانوي

    1. تأثير العزل الحراري، يمكن لفيلم Aurora النانو سيراميك تقليل درجة الحرارة داخل السيارة بشكل فعال، تظهر البيانات التجريبية أن تأثير العزل الحراري لفيلم Aurora في بيئة درجة الحرارة العالية أعلى بنسبة 15% من جزيئات السيارة.
    2. قدرة الحماية من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية، حيث يمكن لـ Aurora حجب 99% من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية. هذه الميزة مهمة بشكل خاص لأصحاب السيارات التي تعمل لفترات طويلة، حيث يمكن للأشعة فوق البنفسجية أن تسبب تلف الجلد وتسريع شيخوخة الجزء الداخلي من السيارة.
    3. معدل نقل الضوء، تحافظ أورورا على معدل نقل الضوء يصل إلى 80%، و70% لجزيئات السيارة، مما يعني أن أورورا تحمي الخصوصية دون إعاقة رؤية القيادة.
    4. جودة البناء، يتمتع فيلم Aurora بقدرة التصاق أفضل ومعدل فقاعات أقل من 5% بعد البناء.

  • فيلم PPF

    1. الحماية من الأضرار البيئية
    يوفر PPF حماية استثنائية ضد مجموعة متنوعة من العوامل البيئية الضارة مثل الأشعة فوق البنفسجية والأمطار الحمضية ونسغ الأشجار. يمكن أن يؤدي التعرض للأشعة فوق البنفسجية إلى بهتان الطلاء وتدهوره بمرور الوقت.
    2. مقاومة الخدوش والبقع
    يعد PPF أحد المزايا الرئيسية فهو لا يتأثر بالخدوش والبقع.
    تم تصنيع الفيلم بطريقة تجعله يمتص الصدمات بحيث عندما تصطدم الحطام مثل الصخور والحصى الموجودة على الطريق بالألواح الأمامية والجانبية للسيارة، لن يتعرض الطلاء للخدش أو التشقق.
    3. خصائص الشفاء الذاتي
    يمكن لحرارة الشمس أو المحرك أن يبدأ عملية الشفاء، مما يؤدي إلى إزالة أي عيوب وإعادة الفيلم إلى حالته الأصلية. تقلل هذه المهارة بشكل كبير من الحاجة إلى الإصلاحات المادية وتساعد في الحفاظ على مظهر السيارة دون أي تدخل إضافي.
    4. المتانة والضمان الممتدان
    تم تصميم PPF ليدوم طويلاً، حيث تقدم منتجات Aurora ضمانات تمتد حتى 10 سنوات. وتعود هذه الحماية طويلة الأمد إلى مادة الفيلم المتينة وخصائصه اللاصقة المتقدمة، والتي تضمن بقائه سليمًا وفعالًا في حماية الطلاء.
    5. يحافظ على قيمة إعادة البيع
    يعد PPF طريقة ممتازة لضمان جودة الطلاء، والذي غالبًا ما يتأثر بالتآكل العام على مر السنين.

كولاج الوسائط المتعددة

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